TI AMO By Amir Adnan: A Tribute To Love

Capturing the very essence of that electrifying first spark that melts into a connection that spans the ages, Amir Adnan's recently released video features the supremely talented Hareem Farooq and Fisher Neal as an ode to the same. Shot in various locations within Amir Adnan and Huma Adnan's abode, the short film doubles as a testament to love itself. Aptly titled, 'TI AMO,' which is Italian for 'I love you,' Hareem and Fisher set the screen ablaze with not only individual powerful performances, but also their chemistry.
Backed by a voiceover, Hareem takes us through various facets of being engrossed in the vast sea of affection, looking like a transcendent angel at times in FnkAsia and jewelry from Craft Stories By Huma Adnan, and, at other times, like a magnetic embodiment of allure itself. Weaving in and out of simplicity and sensuality, she is the very picture of elegance, grace, and beauty in this short film.

Fisher, on the other hand, in his debut shoot for a Pakistani brand, utilizes his acting background to portray, with great promise, a suave, utterly handsome man who knows what he wants, and possesses the charisma to profess his love with unabashed, stolen glances, and gestures of intimacy.

A wide variety of products that fall under the umbrella of Amir Adnan make an appearance in the video. Fisher, decked head to toe in Amir Adnan, looks dapper in white as he seduces the screen with his natural charm. He wears the national attire of Pakistan - the shalwar kameez - with the utmost ease, and it seems like this avatar is second nature to the thoroughly talented actor.

In black, Fisher mesmerizes yet again, looking like the very amalgam of the old and the new - a modern man who does not simply rely on Western apparel to make a statement. Amir Adnan and Huma Adnan's line of fragrances make an appearance, as they are spritzed on-screen, spraying magic in the air.

Every time the two actors are seen together on-screen, there is a palpable vibe shift, with their collective energies matching to create an atmosphere of mutual inclination. Love truly is in the air, and while neither says the words, the phrase 'Ti Amo,' rings clear in the minds of all those watching.

Everything in the short film can be found in stores and online. Head over to amiradnan.com and humaadnan.com to begin your personal journey towards amore.